Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of July

It is the 4th of July and things are pretty quiet (so far). Last night we had quite a few fireworks going off in the neighborhood so I stayed inside til quite late. We also had a bit of rain yesterday which was much needed. It is so dry here that we are restricted to watering on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. No one is supposed to water on Friday. Since the rain fell on Monday, it was free water!

I won't get to do much running around with my dad today as he has a sore leg. He had to go to the doctor's (human vet?) yesterday. The doctor gave him some medicine that makes him sleep a lot. Mom will take me out but she is not much fun with Mr. Ring (she throws like a girl). I love Mr. Ring. It is a yellow rubber ring that used to have a ball in the center. Dad took the rubber ball out and just throws the ring. It is my favorite outside toy. Mom won't let Mr. Ring in the house. If she finds it in the house, she usually puts it in the dishwasher.

My favorite indoor toy is Mr. Dolly. He squeeks when you bite him in the stomach. I have more than one actually. You know, the real deal and a backup. I also have a squeeky tennis ball and a flying saucer thing that you can stuff cookies inside of. I like to play with that and get the cookies out and crunch them. I used to have a Kong but it is missing (no doubt hid by those pesky cats!)


Isabella said...

Hey, Charlie! We had rain yesterday,too. I wish it had rained all night so the neighbors would have stayed inside and not set all their fireworks off for hours on end- geesh!

Sounds like you have some cool toys. I love toys- they are da bomb!
Happy 4th of July, Charlie-
Big Wags,

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey Charlie,
Love your blog :-)
Can we add you to the list of master dogbloggers over at www.dogswithblogs.com.au ? We would love to have you there.....
Just let me know.

Charlie - The Big Dog said...

Hi Charlie,

I chew the heads of all my toys:-)

I just LOVE rain. Its heaps of fun getting all wet and the go in the house and rubbing up against the stupid humans couch :-)

Catch you soon buddy!

Big Chuck

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...


Welcome to the world of blogging. Isabella was my introduction to blogging too. She is very talented.

You have some great toys. We hope your dad starts to feel better soon so he can play with you.

We hope you enjoy blogging and comments as much as we do!!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

MJ's doghouse said...

Hi charlei
it is very nice to meet you. It sounds like you have a very important job guarding things. I am suppose to be a guard dog too...hahah..if they only knew. I look forward to reading your cool blog every day...bye for now...

Deanna said...

Check in the couch. That's where mom finds my missing toys...

Isabella said...

Charlie! Where are you? We need an update on how your week went.
Big Wags,

Charlie Kelley-Church said...

Isabella- I have been mostly hiding out in the house trying to stay cool. It has been in the upper 90's with an occasional thunderstorm (I hate those) in the afternoon. It's our monsoon season. My dad is taking more pictures of me and my kitty siblings so I can post them (hopefully this weekend at the latest). My mom has been hogging the computer to do work she brings home from work. Makes it hard to read the doggy blogs. Mom and dad are going out to a movie tonight. That pirate one. They also go out to dinner. They don't usually bring me anything home for me as they get salads (I'm not a vegetarian!) as they are on diets.

Spirit said...

hi Charlie!

Your toys sound cool. I have a rope chew toy, a purple frog that ribbits when you bite its tummy, a red floating toy that has a fire hydrant picture on it, a green doggie, a tennis ball that I chewed some fuzz off of and a little yellow football.

I love toys!

*wags tail*

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...


We miss your updates but we wanted to thank you for your vote. There are some really good blogs there so it will be close. We are glad to have all the support we can get.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Isabella said...

Hey Charlie! Don't you hate it when the humans do that dieting thingie? My human does this low carb diet, so at least I there are meat tidbits I get. But I miss the ice cream. I'm hoping Linda has a binge soon so I can have some of that yummy stuff. I do love the meats, but we all need a bit of sweetness in our life from time to time, dontcha' think?

Keep cool!
Big Wags,