In case some weren't aware, my mom is still using a walker after her back surgery. I included a picture that looks something like the one my mom has.

My mom's has 5 inch wheels on the front and tennis balls on the back. She also has a blue and green pouch which drapes over the middle that has a pocket for a water bottle, a covered pocket in the front for stuff and an open pocket where she puts her puzzle and reading books. I call her walker the metal monster. I keep thinking that thing is going to eat me, even tho I have been under the walker when it is sitting dormant. At first I thought she had stolen my Kong squeeky tennis balls for her walker but she said she did not. I told dad that she should have flames painted on the tires but she put that thought to rest. She is also wearing a back brace that looks something like the bullet proof vests the cops wear but doesn't go as high.
Anyhow- the big surprise today was BARK PARK! I couldn't believe it when mom took down my bark park bag and started going thru it. I thought- she's lost something and is looking for it (I didn't want to get my hopes up). But she took out the bandanna and asked me if I wanted to go to the bark park? OF COURSE! stupid question mom! We all got out to the car and the worst thing happened! I had to share the back seat with the metal monster. Well- I showed who was boss of course. When we got to the bark park we went to the north entrance which was closest to a bench for mom to sit on. Since dad then had to do poop patrol and keep an eye out for me, no pictures but I didn't mind. I ran and ran and had such a good time. While I have been gone, they also put in a water faucet so now we don't have to bring our own water if we don't want to. That was very nice. We didn't stay too long as there was a storm coming in but were there long enough for my dad to do a couple of laps of the park and enough time for me to get my arfritis hurting , but it was way worth it. After the park we went home and I had a turkey neck meaty-bone for breakfast.
Well- off to nap
C-K-C (one tired puppy)
Hi Charlie:
I just wanted to say that I am really sorry to hear about your Mom's troubles. We are thinking of her here and sending wishes for a good recovery.
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
Oh glad to hear the update on your mom. We are always thinking of her. Glad you got to go to the barkpark. Fun for you.
Hello Charlie
We're really pleased your mum was able to take you to the park.
Please tell her we're all thinking of her and hope she gets better very quick.
Love from your friend, Hammer
Glad to hear your Mom was feeling good enough for the park--see you are a healer.
Give her lots of kisses, CKC
Take good care of your mom, Charlie!
- one of the other Charlies
I keep your mom in my prays. Hoping she will get better soon.
Thanks for the news on your mum C-K-C. What a lucky girl to get a trip out to the bark park. Keep looking after mum.
Oscar x
Wow, that metal monster is scawee. I think I'd have to bark and bark at it, but since your mom isn't feeling to well, perhaps that is not the best thing to do...
Good wishes to your mom and feeling better soon.
WOW!!! You got to go to the BARK PARK????? I haven't been able to go for so long because of my muscle strain... I'm jealous!!
Glad to see your mom doing well!!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Hey C-K-C,
Good to hear that you're mom is better and can bring you to the park. Please take good care of your mum. Stay strong for her
~ fufu
CKC - it's great to hear that your mom is getting around. She must feel a little bit better. We are thinking about you here. We hope your mom keeps up the good work!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Thanks for the update C-K-C, we are glad to hear that your mum is doing okay - we think about you all everyday and are sending lots of love your way :)
Opy, Charlie, Greg and Brooke
Good dog Charlie! You're doing your Work as a Blue Healer. I like those tennis balls on the walker - I'd stick close in case one comes off for you to chase!
Hugs (my forte),
Hey Charlie,
Thanks for visiting me, and I"m really sorry to hear about all of your mom's problems. I know you're taking good care of her and just staying close and quiet when she needs you.
I posted the yogurt recipe you asked about back in comments, so it's there if your mom feels up to it.
take care of yourself - but mostly, take good care of your mom!
Charlie - give your Mum some extra hugs and tell her they are Scottish ones, which are very special ones, from us here in Scotland.
Sending her and you and your family our very best wishes.
Thinking of you! love and licks Marvin xxxxx
Take care Kathleen, from Jeannie xxxxxxxxxxx Love and Much Light to you.
You are in our thoughts and our prayers dear ones. We are happy your mom could take you to the bark park. We know you are taking very good care of her.
BIG hugs and love from Billy Boo and mom
I am so glad your mommy is feeling well enough to take you to the bark park...fresh air is never a bad thing...give your mommy lots of slobbery kisses for me....hope she feels reaaaaaaaally better reallllllly soon
Oh Charlie -
We are so happy to hear your mom is up and around and that you went to the DOG PARK!! That is so great!
You are all in our thoughts -
Love, Dory
Our best wishes to you. My Mother-in-Law has been going through rounds of radiation following undiagnosed rapid deterioration of bones in her spine, so your situation hits very close to home for us. I hope all goes well.
We're thinking about your family. My mom had a back surgery, too. It is very hard to feel better after that. I hope everything is going well. We miss you.
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