Next- an update on mom's health: she is now on chemo every 3 weeks but on her last re-staging (done every 6 months), the cancer was still only in the bone. The bad part is that her last day of February treatment did not go so well. Both she and dad had the flu all week and hadn't been eating properly. Mom's diabetes along with that and adding a can of chemo and you get HOSPITAL. She was in the emergency room for a day and a half and then monitored in a more quiet place with real beds, etc. She had to have oxygen which she brought home. The day she came home, a very nice lady brought large bottles and small bottles and a very noisy oxygen maker. With the small bottles she was able to go to work and the oxygen maker was used at night. It was so noisy that we had to put it in the main bathroom and close the door and even then, I couldn't stand to be near that machine. The other news is that mom's hours were cut at work to 32 per week but that turned out OK for me cause I then have a full day of her to myself.
Earlier this month, me and the kitty sibs got to go to the vets (Dr. Faith is so nice). I got upset. First- ALL of us were supposed to go on the same day. Simon (Lard butt) and Nerise both hid and couldn't be found. Dad finally just took me and Worf. Dr. Faith said I weighed 75 lbs and needed to loose weight. She even got my dad to buy a sack of weight reducing dog food. How unfair is that! To add insult to injury, the next week Simon and Nerise were rounded up and went to Dr. Faith. I thought she would say Simon is overweight too but she didn't. He weighs 17 lbs for dogs sake. The only thing Dr. Faith said was he was a large kitty. This is so unfair.
I want to bark out to Lacylulu's family as Lacylulu went to the Bridge. Run Free girl! You can find her blog here: http://lacylulu.blogspot.com/
Spring (also known as the windy season) has arrived here in NM. It is in the 70's during the day. The neighbor dogs (1 chow, 2 german shepard older pups) is driving everyone nuts. Every time mom opens the back door to let me out in the yard, the dogs come racing up to the fence and bark and bark and bark. Mom says we need to get a fence put up so I can have some priva C. She also said they were tick enfested and when I go near the fence, the ticks jump on me. I didn't notice them jumping on me. She checks me over every day. She also said it was time for the Furminator so next time I blog you may see a skinnier less hairy me.
C-K-C (who don't want Opy to load that can of woop-ass my way)\
Oh it's nice to hear from you Charlie. No problem with not sending out the christmas cards your mom is more important. Keep us updated more often if you can. :)
It is great to hear from you. I'm sorry your mom has been so sick. It's too bad about the Furmination. Dakota needs it, too.
CKC, it's so nice to hear from you! We have really missed you. Sorry to hear that your Mom has been having so many problems. We hope she gets to feeling better. We know you are taking good care of her.
We've heard about the Furminator. You have our condolences.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
It's so good to hear from our 'neighbor!' i'm so glad we don't have to deal with the furminator but we did have to deal with the dremel a few days ago...
peace + paws,
Good Luck to your Mama.
You know we are here for you.
Love and much light,
Jeannie and Marvinxxxxxxxxx
thank your Ma for her email, will reply soonest.
Jeannie xxxxxxx
hey buddy,
you are "off the hook" with the can of whoopass :-) The can will only be opened if your muma doesn't look after herself and get herself better real soon.
we all love you and are sending lots of pawsitive thoughts and vibes your way - please keep us posted.
Hi C-K-C. That's a nice card that you designed. Hope your mom is feeling better now. Please take good care of her
~ Girl girl
What a wonderful surprise to hear your "voice" again. Glad that your mom is doing pretty well--you make sure to keep giving her lots of kisses. Kisses are also a good way to burn calories--so lots of kisses might mean you won't have to stay on the low-cal food for very long. AND kitties don't give very many kisses (or at least ours don't).
Our people are of split minds on the furminator, so we don't have to endure it...yet. They don't feed us much though---maybe you could give them a bark-out about that.
Give your dad some kisses too
see ya
We sure hope your mom begins to feel better. Our prayers are with you...
Big sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
We are sending lots of healing Aire-zen for your mama! We know those chemo treatments are NO fun at all! Take good care of her, CKC!
Poppy & Penny
I'm stopping by to tell you that I'm thinking of all of woo!
We want to wish your mom a very Happy Mom's Day. Canine Mom's and human Mom's are very special people.. Be sure and give your Mom extra kisses on this very special day!!
Happy Mom's Day!!
Gus and Louie
Tom & Kathie
Greetings from www.wuffstuff.com, the social network for dog owners and dog lovers.
We're looking for members with quality dogs to add pix to our site.
Hope you could have a look at us.
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